Little Hans: The Dramaturgy of Phobia

Norman approaches the material on Little Hans from the end—who he was, Little Hans, as an adult, opera director Herbert Graf. Anyone who is involved with a child knows how preoccupied one can be with the thought of what the child will be as an adult. There is extraordinary excitement in the question: What will this person be like? Implicit: What form …

Social Phobia

A brochure on social phobia that explains the signs, symptoms, and treatments.   Looking for a community of support? Try our friends at Phobia Support Forum

Psychotherapy with Patients with Phobias

In this chapter, phobias will be discussed mainly as thought disorders which are closely related to the obsessional states. Phobic and obsessional phenomena will first be discussed independently before concentrating on the common features of both conditions. The metaphoric nature of obsessive-phobic communications will be explored with particular attention to the existence of faulty perception …

The Agoraphobia Treatment Group

Agoraphobia can be treated through individual therapy, or in a group format as described in this chapter. There are advantages to each approach. Groups can provide considerable interpersonal support for recovery as well as incentive to do homework and practice self-paced exposure between sessions.


Phobias are a common disorder that can vary from a mild annoyance to a severe disability. They are defined by a severe anxiety reaction that is disproportionate to the actual threat. The theoretical understanding of the origin and development of the phobia results in treatment techniques that can be effective in over 70% of patients …

Homophobia in Straight Men

Homophobia is an important part of male psychology, even in men who would never knowingly support any kind of overt discrimination against gays and lesbians. (44 pp.)


The phobias of latency-age children satisfy the requirements of a true phobia, but they have their own peculiarities that set them apart from true phobias found in adults. These differences are useful to know in working with phobic children.

The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders

At one time or another, everyone experience some form of anxiety, in the United States alone, doctors write over 80 million prescriptions for anti-anxiety drugs each year. While our understanding of the various anxiety disorders has increased substantially, practitioners remain faced with a confusing array of seemingly contradictory treatment approaches. Now, C. Barr Taylor and …

Phobic Reactions

(88 pp.) Historical Remarks Experimental Studies of Acquired Fears Differential Considerations Pathogenesis Repression and Displacement Identification and Regression Symbolism in Phobias Phobias in Children and Adults Counterphobia Therapy Behavior Therapy

Cognitive Therapy

Cognitive Therapy is an active, directive, time-limited, structured approach used to treat a variety of psychiatric disorders (for example, depression, anxiety, pain problems, phobias, etc.). It is based on an underlying theoretical rationale that an individual’s affect (moods, emotions) and behavior are largely determined by the way in which he construes the world. (9 pp.)